We eight kids like to potter around productively...Mama wants to remember these delightful days when we have all grown up and left home, so we are creating a record for her.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Avocado Sunday

Yesterday we drove out to an avocado orchard near the airport. You're only supposed to pick five per person......so we weren't supposed to bring home more than fifty!!!!! Unfortunately there were only two ripe ones. But we had a lot of fun running amongst the trees and climbing them - avocado trees are so big. Well, not big like a kauri, but certainly bigger than our mandarins or plum trees! And it was interesting to see just how many avocados grow on one tree - they hang there like decorations on a Christmas tree!
ER(9mo) particularly liked the wind - she was snuggled up with Mama in her wrap and she kept opening her mouth and trying to catch the wind on her tongue!!!!
A light drizzle moistened our picnic lunch.....but we didn't mind a bit. It was just great to be out with Dadda, coz he's been working really hard and having lots of meetings.
We stopped at the vege shop on the way home.....we think it was funny that Mama bought 5 avocados for $1.50.


Rosie said...

Have you ever slept out in an avocado orchard? We did, not so long ago, and discovered that the 'christmas decorations' drop off the trees at very regular intervals and land with a 'thud'!!!! They sound extremely loud in the stillness of the night! Glad you enjoyed your day together. Love the E's x

Jen and family said...

pleased u had a good day
I LOVE avocados I would have taken the unripe ones home and put them on a window sill to ripen YUMMMMMMMMMMMY
Jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com/