We eight kids like to potter around productively...Mama wants to remember these delightful days when we have all grown up and left home, so we are creating a record for her.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

bounce BABY bounce

The other day Dadda put me in my cot for my morning nap.
I went to sleep.
I woke up pretty early and would usually go back to sleep again.
But my world was different this time.
The bars of my cot were not up.
So I sat up. I pulled myself up to standing.
I put my leg over......
.....I do love to climb, you know....
and before you could say
"bounce baby bounce",
I was on the floor.


1 comment:

Jen and family said...

Ooooo were u ok?
Jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com/