We eight kids like to potter around productively...Mama wants to remember these delightful days when we have all grown up and left home, so we are creating a record for her.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


By J11

Mama and Dadda have been whispering to each other and have told us there is a surprise in the air. Yesterday we thought it was going to be going out for lunch, because we all got in the car just before 12 o'clock. But it turned out that we went to the plant shop for plants and had a late lunch! That wasn't it!
Actually, Mama said if we haven't seen it by 7 o'clock Saturday night, they'll tell us what it is.
We think it might be going out for dinner on K9's birthday, which is on Saturday, because Mama has got a soup simmering for tomorrow night and sourdough bread rising to eat with it. So it's not tomorrow.
At lunchtime today the girls went out for lunch by themselves. They packed sandwiches and bought a *special something* from the bakery - one whole thing each. The boys stayed home with Dadda and had a special lunch too. Dadda said it was a surprise, but we don't think it was THE surprise!!!! At least, K9 hopes it wasn't!!
In the afternoon, Dadda took the eldest six on bikes to a park 5km away. By the time we had ridden round the park a few times, the whole ride ended up 15km. This, also, was a surprise. But hopefully not THE one.

We'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Jen and family said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh I wonder what the surprise us do write and tell us when you find out :)

Jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com