We eight kids like to potter around productively...Mama wants to remember these delightful days when we have all grown up and left home, so we are creating a record for her.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Look What I Can Do!

A week ago Mama came in to get me up after my nap and I surprised her....I was sitting up in my cot. I had never gone from lying to sitting before. Mama thinks I used the bars of my cot to pull myself up, but I haven't said;-)

A few nights ago Mama heard a little maaaah come from my cot. As I usually nod off quickly, she came to investigate. I had sat up again....and I couldn't get back down!

A day ago I played Sibling Surprise and was STANDING when they came in to get me.
I'm trying to run before I walk....or crawl for that matter.

Today J12 put me down for my nap and I stood up straight away. Mama raced round the corner with a camera to catch this latest adventure. I just LOVE adventure.

1 comment:

skatey katie said...

hello cute little babygirl
you are such a monkey !!!
looks like you'll be walking in no time :o)