We eight kids like to potter around productively...Mama wants to remember these delightful days when we have all grown up and left home, so we are creating a record for her.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Moment in Time

Saturday morning chores are complete and we are free to pursue whatever takes our fancy.
ER8mo takes a nap - as usual, she has kicked her blankets off.

The big three are resting in preparation for tomorrow's triathlon! Monopoly keeps their minds off the big event!

K8's mind is working overtime. "Mama I can do up to 10 or 11 on the clock but I don't know the ones after that" she said as she chopped up garlic to go in the savoury bread they were making. A few minutes later she was enlightened as to how the 24 hour clock works! But subtracting 12 was a bit tricky, so she used the cherry tomatoes just picked from the garden to help her!

The two little boys were in the garden....catching cicadas. Cicada-buzz is surely the most distinctive sound of summer round here.

T2 accompanies dolly playing with the playdough.

It's now 10:26am.


skatey katie said...

well this is all very exciting!!
the baby-bears have a blog!!!!!
i think that your days look alot like ours, hanging out, playing together. i love that about home education.
those cherry tomatoes look oh, so yummy, K8.
looking forward to sharing your adventures with The Gang.
mwah X X X X X X X X (eight kisses)

nzmomy said...

Fantastic! I love the photos - what a lovely way of collecting memories. I found it very inspiring to see what you all get up to - you are all so industrious and productive! Go Team! I will have my children read your blogs tomorrow - I am sure they we be just as inspired as I have been. Well done (looking forward to details of the triathalon!)